Address Sales Price Page is used for updating the price of a product for some time, also making stability in the price.
Step 1: Open the Address sales price page.
Step 2: Add sales price for an (INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT)
- On the top right side, a ‘(+)’ ADD icon is there. Click on it.
- A new page will appear.
- Fill in the information as per your needs.
- Select the Customer’s address
- Select the item of your choice.
- Update the price.
- Currency is automatically updated in INR(Indian Rupee).
- DATE FROM and DATE TO should be selected manually to freeze the price up to that time period.
- After filling in the required information, click on SUBMIT.
- Then after, click on OK
Add Sales price list for SPGS(Solar Power Generating System) a set of Products
- Select the address of the customer.
- In items, there is a specific code for SPGS i.e. ‘FINST’.A list of SPGS will be shown.
- Currency will automatically updated to INR(Indian Rupee)
- From Date and To Date will be selected to freeze the price for a particular time period.
- Afterwards, click on SUBMIT.
- A new dialog box will appear.
- This box shows the parts that a particular SPGS contains. Its description and its quantity are also mentioned.
- Add the price here.
- Click on Submit.
- After clicking on submit, the price will be updated in Price per unit.
- The record will be saved successfully.
- A newly added sales price list can be seen in the entries.