(Complain Allocated Report)
The Complaint Allocated Report is a report that helps in the tracking of complaints that have been allocated to specific engineers. This report provides a comprehensive view of complaints based on various parameters, allowing users to filter and analyze data effectively.
Step 1: Open the Allocation Report Page:
- Open the Allocation Report, when you open the page it is named Complaint Allocated Report.
Step 2: Filters:
- When you open the page you will find some Filters which help you in finding a specific report.
- Filters are like From Date to To Date, State, and Engineer List.
Step 3: Report after applying filters:
- After applying all the filters like dates, state, and engineer.
- Click on the ‘Search’ button.
- Then we can see all the allocated complaints to that engineer in a grid format.
Step 4: Parameters & Report:
- By Scrolling down and right you can see all the parameters of the report.
- By clicking on the ‘Export’ Button you can download this report in Excel format.
Step 5: Complaint Specific Details:
- If you want to see more specific details of a particular complaint, Just click on the Complaint Number in the grid report.
- It will redirect you to a new page named ‘Complaint Status’.
- Complaint Status is more specific about a particular complaint details like the status of the complaint as it is closed or not.