Domestic Sales Order is used to generate Sales Order.
Step 1: Open Domestic sales order page.
Step 2: Create new Domestic Sales Order
- On the top right side, Click on the ‘(+)’ ADD icon.
- A new page will appear.
- Select the Order Type as per your choice.
- Enquiry no. , PO/Reference no., Party Contact no., Estm Fulfilled days and Remarks are optional.
Step 3: Fill the customer details.
- Select the Customer from the drop down list.
- Select the customer’s bill address from the drop down list.
- Company Currency, Customer Currency, Price type currency, and Order Currency will always be in INR(Indian Rupee).
- In Ship to Consignee box if checked then items will be ship to the same address as bill address.
- If we uncheck the box then we have to fill the required information.
- Fill the Consignee name.
- Select the Country.
- Select the State, city and town(according to the state we choose).
- Fill the pin code.
- Select the UIN type.
- Fill the UIN
- Fill the address and Landmark.
- Click on SUBMIT.
- A new page will appear.
Step 4: Domestic Sales Order detail
Step 5: Add items
- Select the item you want to add to the list from the drop down
- After selection of an item other information will be filled automatically.
- Add the quantity of an item
- After that Click on ADD and the item will add to the list.
- It will seen like this afterwards.
- We can edit the quantity of an item or delete the item.
Step 6: Scheme Discount
- On the top right side there is an option for Scheme discount.
- From this option, we can give discount on items to our customer.
- Enter the discount amount
- Discount will be added.
Step 7: Edit Domestic Sales Order
- To edit in the given Domestic sales order, there is an icon on the top right side, Click on it.
- Edit the details you want to.
Step 8: Verify order
- To verify the order click on this icon.
- To confirm, click on OK.
- Order will get verify successfully.