Step 1: Open Stock Out Entry page.
- Status shows two options one is pending and other one is dispatched.
- In pending section, there is the list of invoice which is not verified yet .
- In Dispatched section, all the invoice are verified.
Step 2: Open the pending Invoice.
- Click on the Hyperlink given in the Code section.
- A new page will appear on the screen where details of the invoice is given.
Step 3: Updating Serial No. in Invoice
- Serial No. of a particular item should be known by system before updating in GRN.
- Enter Serial No. for each item one by one.
- Add Remark (Optional)
Step 4: Verify Invoice.
- At the top right side there is a green icon for “Verify Transaction”.
- Click on verify button a dialog box will appear.
- Click on YES button to proceed.
- After this stock out will proceed for approval.